Thursday, May 5, 2011

Luxury DreamTrips

Luxury DreamTrips is simply the next evolution of Rovia's DreamTrips concept. Rovia's DreamTrips Membership offers the masses "The Trip of a Lifetime - Monthly" at prices the average travel consumer couldn't find anywhere else. But we know that for some people, finding the trip of a lifetime requires a more extensive search, with more refined criteria that go beyond simply price and convenience.

You want the very best the world has to offer when you travel. You want vacations that can't be measured simply by how much they cost or the star rating of the hotel. But you also want the convenience and peace of mind that comes with leaving the details to someone else. With Luxury DreamTrips, you get it all.

With your Luxury DreamTrips Membership, you'll have access to a calendar of unique Luxury DreamTrip packages every year. These Luxury DreamTrips are high-end, luxury vacations that are offered to you at incredible values. Each Luxury DreamTrip is geared toward a small number of guests to ensure a unique experience and all the personal attention you expect. They're already planned and organized, so there's no stress or hassle for you. Just select a trip, and we'll take care of the rest.

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